Anyone confused by our recently published database landscape map might be interested to know that 451 Research clients can now access an exclusive 451 Research guide to navigating the increasingly complex database landscape.
The guide steps through each of the main ‘lines’ and covers some of the issues we are seeing driving change across the the breadth of the map, as well as for individual lines. It is based on an updated January 2013 iteration of the map, which includes a number of revisions and additions based on feedback to the December 2012 version.
Note: the latest update to the map is available here.
Like any simplified illustration, the database map has its weaknesses – we certainly wouldn’t suggest that a company could use it to find an appropriate database for any given workload – but given the array of databases on the market, it is designed to help businesses identify a shortlist of potentially suitable choices based on the intersection of major functionality lines.
451 Research clients can access the guide here, while non-clients can use the same link to apply for trial access.