The data warehousing market will see a compound annual growth rate of 11.5% from 2009 through 2013 to reach a total of $13.2bn in revenues.
That is the main finding highlighted by the latest report from The 451 Group’s Information Management practice, which provides market-sizing information for the data-warehousing sector from 2009 to 2013.
The report includes revenue estimates and growth projections, and examines the business and technology trends driving the market.
It was put together with the assistance of Market Monitor – the new market-sizing service from The 451 Group and Tier1 Research. Props to Greg Zwakman and Elizabeth Nelson for their number-crunching.
Among the key findings, available via the executive summary (PDF), are:
- Four vendors dominate the data-warehouse market, with 93.6% of total revenue in 2010. These vendors are expected to retain their advantage and generate 92.2% of revenue in 2013.
- Analytic databases are now able to take advantage of greater processor performance at a lower cost, improving price/performance and lowering barriers to entry.
- With the application of cloud capabilities, users now have the promise of pools of enterprise data that marry central management with distributed use and control.
- Products that take advantage of improved hardware performance will drive revenue growth for all vendors, and will protect the market share of incumbents.
- As a result of systems performance improvements, data-warehousing vendors are also taking advantage of the opportunity to bring more advanced analytic capabilities to the DB engine.
- Although we expect many smaller vendors to grow at a much faster rate between now and 2013, it will not be at the expense of the market’s dominant vendors.
- While the Hadoop Core is not a direct alternative to traditional analytic DBs, the increased maturity of associated projects means that use cases for Hadoop- and MapReduce-enabled analytic DBs will overlap.
There is, of course, much more detail in the full report. 451 Group clients can download the report here, while non-clients can also use the same link to purchase the report, or request more information.