CTXS – Inorganic Growth https://blogs.451research.com/techdeals The 451 Take on Tech M&A Fri, 06 Mar 2020 21:03:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v= A bidding war (of sorts) between the virtualization vendors http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/security/a-bidding-war-of-sorts-between-the-virtualization-vendors/ Wed, 01 Sep 2010 21:04:53 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=793 Continue reading A bidding war (of sorts) between the virtualization vendors ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

The tech industry has another bidding war. No, we’re not talking about the parrying over 3PAR or even the private equity shops slugging it out over Phoenix Technologies, a company that had largely been consigned to the corporate ash heap. Instead, we’re talking about the latest M&A moves by the virtuosos of virtualization, Citrix Systems and VMware.

Citrix opened the bidding with one deal earlier this week, putting its chips on virtualization management startup VMLogix. One day later, VMware matched the bid of one acquisition and then raised it another one. In a rare twin billing, VMware said it would be taking home both performance analytics startup Integrien as well as identity and access management vendor TriCipher. VMware’s two deals in a single day (do we call the amalgamated company ‘Trintegrien’?) brings its total number of acquisitions so far this year to five, after just one in all of last year. For its part, Citrix had been out of the market entirely since November 2008 before announcing the VMLogix purchase.

Of the three deals, the one that caught our eye was VMware’s pickup of Integrien. That might have been due to the astronomical multiple the startup garnered. We understand that the company, which was only running at about $2m in revenue, went for about $100m. Of course, looking at this transaction on a revenue multiple largely misses the point. Instead, as my colleague Dennis Callaghan notes in his report on the deal, the move makes VMware a legitimate contender in the IT performance management market and could hurt opportunities for other IT performance management vendors looking to sell into the vast VMware installed base.

The acquisition came just one day after Integrien released a special version of its flagship predictive root cause analysis software for VMware environments, so the two sides clearly knew each other. In fact, we gather that the two sides knew each other so well they negotiated directly, without an outside adviser. The VMware team was led on the Integrien deal by Alex Wang. Meanwhile, on the day’s other transaction, America’s Growth Capital advised TriCipher, while Jason Hurst, who recently joined VMware after a long stint as a software banker at Citigroup, led the buyside effort.

Buying back stock, rather than buying up companies http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/buying-back-stock-rather-than-buying-up-companies/ Fri, 15 May 2009 00:12:22 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=267 Continue reading Buying back stock, rather than buying up companies ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

For a risk-averse company like IBM, it’s always preferable to buy a known than an unknown. At least that’s one way to read its decision to pass on taking home Sun Microsystems at any cost and instead put its money toward repurchasing a slug of its own equity. The recently announced $3bn buyback works out to just under half the amount that Big Blue was reported to have been ready to hand over for Sun.

That’s a fundamentally sound – if conservative – allocation of capital for IBM, a dividend-paying member of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Nonetheless, it didn’t stop Sun’s winning suitor, Oracle, from tweaking Big Blue, saying it only got involved after IBM ‘failed’ to close the deal. For the record, we would note that since the ‘failure,’ IBM shares have moved higher while Oracle stock is essentially flat with where it was when the acquirer announced its bid. Of course, that verdict is based on just three weeks of trading.

IBM isn’t the only firm spending cash on its own shares rather than the equity of other vendors. Citrix, which hasn’t announced an acquisition in more than a half-year, recently said it plans to buy back some $300m of stock. Even when Citrix does do deals these days, they tend to be tiny purchases. Since acquiring XenSource in August 2007, Citrix has made just four small technology plays. We would chalk that up to the fact that Wall Street has been underwhelmed with Citrix’s purchase of XenSource, its largest-ever deal. And that doesn’t appear likely to change. At last week’s Synergy 2009 conference, Citrix barely mentioned M&A.

Real deal for Virtual Iron? http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/real-deal-for-virtual-iron/ Fri, 20 Feb 2009 14:48:07 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=208 Continue reading Real deal for Virtual Iron? ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly, Rachel Chalmers

Several sources, both from industry and financial circles, have indicated that server virtualization startup Virtual Iron Software is nearing a deal to sell to a strategic buyer. The name at the top of the list? Oracle, which has a Xen-based hypervisor (OVM), but lacks management tools. Virtual Iron would bring Xen management.

Another name that has surfaced is Novell. A year ago, the company handed over $205m for PlateSpin, which was its largest virtualization acquisition and one that valued eight-year-old PlateSpin at roughly 10 times its revenue. Virtual Iron would fit well with Novell’s virtualization efforts as well as with its open source leanings (Virtual Iron is based on Xen).

Sometimes viewed as a ‘down-market VMware,’ Virtual Iron sells primarily to SMEs through its channel. The Lowell, Massachusetts-based company has raised some $65m in funding since its founding in 2003. Backers include Highland Capital Partners, Matrix Partners, Goldman Sachs Group and strategic investors Intel Capital and SAP Ventures.

We understand that Virtual Iron had somewhat ‘frothy’ expectations after Citrix paid a half-billion dollars for XenSource in mid-2007. However, sources say Virtual Iron won’t get anywhere near the valuation of XenSource. In fact, most folks have doubts that the company will even sell for the amount of VC dollars that went into it.

Cisco: not a common-sense shopper http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/cisco-not-a-common-sense-shopper/ Tue, 17 Feb 2009 21:09:04 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=205 Continue reading Cisco: not a common-sense shopper ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

Through both direct and indirect cues, Cisco Systems’ John Chambers has created the impression that he’s about set to start wheeling a shopping cart up and down the Valley, grabbing technology companies with abandon. Folks who anticipate a dramatic return of Cisco to the M&A market have been busy putting together a shopping list for the company. (As has been well reported, the networking giant has plenty of pocket money; it current holds some $29bn of cash, and just raised another $4bn by selling bonds.) Most of the names on the list are ones that have been kicked around for some time.

For instance, fast-growing Riverbed Technology tops the list for some people. Indeed, Chambers approached the WAN traffic optimizer at least twice before the company went public in 2006, according to a source. We understand that talks ended with Riverbed feeling rather disenchanted with the giant. Other speculation centers on Cisco making a large virtualization play, either reaching for Citrix or VMware. The thinking on the latter is that Cisco would actually buy EMC, which sports an enterprise value of $21bn, to get its hands on the virtualization subsidiary. And last year we added another name to the mix, reporting that Cisco may have eyes for security vendor McAfee.

There’s a certain amount of logic to all of the potential acquisition candidates. At the least, speculation about them is defensible since they are all rooted in common sense. The only hook is that Cisco isn’t a ‘common-sense’ shopper. That’s not to say it isn’t an effective acquirer. Cisco very much is a smart shopper, and we’d put its recent record up there with any other tech company. What we mean is that Cisco’s deals are anything but predictable.

For instance, Cisco was selling exclusively to enterprises when it did an about-face nearly six years ago and shelled out $500m in stock for home networking equipment vendor Linksys. And it got further into the home when it followed that up with its largest post-Bubble purchase, the late-2005 acquisition of Scientific-Atlanta for $6.9bn. (Although word of the deal for the set-top box maker leaked out, few people would have initially put the two companies together.) Similarly, WebEx Communications wasn’t on any of the Cisco shortlists that we saw before the company pulled the trigger on its $3.2bn purchase of the Web conferencing vendor. But what do we know? Maybe some folks out there not only called one or two of those deals, but also hit the unlikely trifecta. If so, maybe you could email us to let us know – and while you’re at it, could you pass along some numbers for lottery picks?

And the Golden Tombstone goes to … http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/application-software/and-the-golden-tombstone-goes-to/ Thu, 08 Jan 2009 21:20:46 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=181 Continue reading And the Golden Tombstone goes to … ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

In addition to getting insight into what corporate development officials plan to buy in the coming year, our annual survey also asked which company they thought made the smartest acquisition during the previous year. (See our full report on the survey.) So which company gets the coveted Golden Tombstone for 2008? Hewlett-Packard, for its $13.9bn purchase of EDS in May.

However, in handing out this peer-voted accolade, we hope that HP doesn’t stumble after stepping up to the dais to accept it, as happened to last year’s winner. (Maybe this is a variation of the ‘Sports Illustrated cover jinx,’ which is a surprisingly accurate predictor of which team is about to hit an inexplicable – and intractable – slump.) Our 2007 Golden Tombstone went to Citrix for its $500m pickup of XenSource.

Although Citrix had promised big things for the virtualization startup, it is coming up short. When the ink had just dried on the acquisition, Citrix talked about $50m (or even higher, privately) of 2008 revenue from the startup, which had no sales to speak of when it sold. Now, it looks like XenDesktop and XenServer will actually contribute about $25m for the year. Granted, the startup XenSource and the 46-year-old EDS are at opposite ends of the corporate lifecycle, and the strategies that drove the deals are completely different. Still, we’re a superstitious bunch, particularly when we’ve already had so much bad luck on the market.

Big buyers sit out Q3 uncertainty http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/big-buyers-sit-out-q3-uncertainty/ Wed, 01 Oct 2008 19:06:22 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=117 Continue reading Big buyers sit out Q3 uncertainty ]]> With the third quarter in the books, we get our first glimpse of the impact that the unprecedented upheaval on Wall Street is having on tech M&A. Over the past three months, the value of tech deals dropped about one-third from year-ago levels, sinking from $58bn to $37bn.

The falloff was even more pronounced at the high end of the market: only six deals worth more than $1bn were announced during the July-September period, down from 11 deals worth more than $1bn during the same period last year and 22 deals worth more than $1bn during the third quarter of 2006. (Along those lines, IBM has acquired just one public company so far this year, down from three last year.)

There are a number of reasons for the muted deal flow, starting with the barren conditions in the credit market. That knocked the number of leveraged buyouts from 36 in the third quarter of last year to just 12 this year.

Strategic acquirers, too, faced their own difficulties in striking deals as they got clubbed on the Nasdaq. Consider Google, which saw its shares bottom out at the end of the quarter at a three-year low. So far this year, the online ad giant has inked just four deals, down from 14 during the same period last year. Or Citrix, which recently saw its shares reach their lowest level since mid-2005. The enterprise software company has scaled back its acquisitions, picking up a product line and a tiny German company so far this year, after closing five deals during the first three quarters of 2007. See full report.

Third-quarter deal flow

Period Deal volume Deal value
Q3 2005 811 $87bn
Q3 2006 1,030 $102bn
Q3 2007 822 $58bn
Q3 2008 691 $37bn

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase

Microsoft’s ‘paper’ trail leads to Citrix? http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/open-source/microsofts-paper-trail-leads-to-citrix/ Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:17:55 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=109 Continue reading Microsoft’s ‘paper’ trail leads to Citrix? ]]> Shares of Citrix jumped 5% Wednesday on reheated rumors that Microsoft may be bidding for its longtime partner. Volume in Citrix shares was about 50% heavier than average. One source indicated that Microsoft would be paying $36 for each Citrix share, which is essentially where Citrix started the year.

This rumor, of course, has made the rounds before. We noted in April that although both IBM and Cisco were rumored suitors for Citrix, our top pick for the acquirer would be Microsoft. (The two companies have been close for years, with Citrix being one of just two companies with access to the Windows source code.) All that said, however, we don’t see Microsoft buying Citrix. (How would Microsoft handle the fact that XenSource, which is arguably Citrix’s most-coveted asset, is built on open source software?)

As to why the rumor resurfaced Wednesday, we might trace that back to a misread of Microsoft’s announcement the day before that it was planning to sell some $2bn of commercial paper. The thinking is that Redmond might be prepping an even larger offering. But looking at Microsoft’s current balance sheet, it could buy Citrix four times over with the cash and short-term investments it already holds.

Citrix sits out http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/application-software/citrix-sits-out/ Fri, 12 Sep 2008 20:10:09 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=98 Continue reading Citrix sits out ]]> Since announcing its landmark acquisition of XenSource a little more than a year ago, Citrix has largely taken itself out of the M&A market. And don’t expect that to change anytime soon. CFO David Henshall told the Deutsche Bank Technology Conference earlier this week that the company ‘has its hands full’ with working out its virtualization strategy, which it grandly refers to as a datacenter-to-desktop offering. (That strategy largely reflects the fact that VMware, with an estimated 85% of the server virtualization market, isn’t as vulnerable as Citrix initially thought, at least around ESX.)

While Citrix has inked three deals since XenSource, the acquisitions have been quiet technology purchases. For instance, in January Citrix snagged a product line from FullArmor, a self-funded business process orchestration tool vendor, and in May it added Sepago, a 30-person company that only launched a product a year ago after a few years as a consulting shop.

Instead of spending on M&A, Citrix’s Henshall indicated that the company will continue to put much of the cash it generates ($75-100m each quarter) toward buybacks. If nothing else, Citrix has been getting a relative bargain in the buyback. After two straight earnings warnings earlier this summer, shares sank to their lowest level in almost three years. Around that same time, perhaps not coincidentally, rumors began to surface that Cisco or IBM might be shopping Citrix. If Citrix does get acquired, we still think the deal will flow through Redmond, with Microsoft to reach for its longtime partner to shore up its own virtualization offering.

Citrix deal flow

Year Deal volume Deal value
2008 2 Not disclosed
2007 5 $500m
2006 3 $117m
2005 2 $338m

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase
