LucidEra – Inorganic Growth The 451 Take on Tech M&A Fri, 06 Mar 2020 21:03:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 June gloom Fri, 26 Jun 2009 20:01:43 +0000 Continue reading June gloom ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

Whether or not the rebound got ahead of itself, the market has certainly tightened up this month. And no, we’re not talking about the equity market. (Although the sentiment is applicable there, as well, with the Nasdaq recently dipping to its lowest point in a month.) Instead, we’re talking about the M&A market. After a furious start to the second quarter, dealmaking has slipped back to the sluggish pace we saw in the first few months of 2009.

A quick glimpse at the numbers: In both April and May, we saw some 250 deals worth about $20bn in each month. So far this month, we’ve had about 205 deals worth a scant $8bn. With just three business days to go in June, we’re looking at spending being down about 60% from what it was in each of the first two months of the quarter.

We’ve also noticed the recent return of a trend that we saw more often in the opening months of 2009: the involuntary sale. In both large and small transactions, sellers have increasingly found themselves forced to take any offer that comes in. We noted that this week in the startup world, as LucidEra was turned over to a workout firm to sell its carcass. And on a larger scale, bankrupt Nortel Networks gave up on ever emerging as a viable company and began the painful process of liquidation sales. The first deal gives some sign of the resignation: Nortel sold its most valuable unit for what is likely to be less than 1x cash flow.

Second-quarter deal flow

Period Deal volume Deal value
April 2009 263 $21bn
May 2009 242 $19bn
June 2009 205 $8bn

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase

End of a (Lucid)Era Wed, 24 Jun 2009 21:18:53 +0000 Continue reading End of a (Lucid)Era ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly, Krishna Roy

After unsuccessfully trying to find a buyer for several months, LucidEra has turned itself over to a workout firm to sell off the patents and whatever else has value at the once-promising on-demand business intelligence (BI) vendor. We understand that CEO Robert Reid and the company’s board members have left LucidEra, replaced by Diablo Management Group. DMG, which got the mandate last week, has sole fiduciary control at LucidEra. A scrap sale, if it occurs, is likely within the next two months or so.

It’s a stunning fall for LucidEra, which was arguably the most visible startup in the market. Certainly, cofounder and former CEO Ken Rudin was one of the loudest – if not the loudest – evangelist for on-demand BI. (Rudin served as CEO until last July, when he assumed the role of chief marketing officer and turned the company over to Reid.) The company had raised some $23m from Crosslink Capital, Benchmark Capital and Matrix Partners over two rounds. We would note that if DMG does manage to sell LucidEra, the startups’ creditors will be first in line for payment, with any remaining funds then available to investors. LucidEra doesn’t have many creditor claims, but there are some.

In many ways, what initially allowed LucidEra to get going ultimately proved to be its undoing. From the beginning, the vendor tied its fate to, specifically offering a pipeline reporting and analytics feature for the on-demand CRM vendor. That essentially made LucidEra an after-market add-on for customers, which limited its market and always prompted questions about why wouldn’t just offer that technology. It also got us wondering in a report two months ago why wouldn’t just acquire LucidEra. That may still happen. If it does, however, will be picking up just a fraction of what LucidEra had been when they last discussed a deal. And it will be paying just a fraction of the price, as well.
