NYSE – Inorganic Growth https://blogs.451research.com/techdeals The 451 Take on Tech M&A Fri, 06 Mar 2020 21:03:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v= A vote of confidence? http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/a-vote-of-confidence/ Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:20:41 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=1585 Continue reading A vote of confidence? ]]> Contact: Ben Kolada

There’s no denying that behavior in the equity markets is one of the main influencers on big-ticket M&A. Stock market stability provides a vote of confidence for corporate acquirers to pursue large, game-changing deals. Without stable markets, the valuation gap between buyers and sellers becomes too wide for potential sellers to accept. As a result, when the equity markets dip, so too does deal volume.

Nearly every drop in the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite stock index coincided with a drop in both the volume and value of acquisitions of publicly traded technology companies. (Note: we’ve limited the scope of this research to the acquisition of Nasdaq- and NYSE-listed companies valued at more than $250m.) The number of acquisitions of large public companies tracks the stock market so closely that while the Nasdaq ended 2011 basically flat from the prior year, so too did the number of large tech transactions.

Public company acquisitions relative to Nasdaq activity

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase, 451 Research

By early 2012, the Nasdaq had effectively regained the level it held before the credit crisis. Despite this bull run, however, there’s very little certainty or stability in the equity markets. Although not a flawless metric, we can use predictions for the IPO market as a gauge of 2012 activity. A stable stock market is desired before a private company hits the public stage. According to our 2011 Tech Banking Outlook Survey, which forecasts activity for 2012, bankers expect the public markets to be stable enough to welcome 25 new technology firms this year – the same number predicted for 2011.

But the number of IPOs is only half of the equation, as subsequent stock performance shows longer-term confidence in the newly public companies’ businesses. In 2011, we saw a number of fairly successful tech IPOs, many of which came from the consumer technology sector, such as LinkedIn and Zynga. But some of these vendors’ initial good fortunes were short-lived. LinkedIn, for example, has lost one-quarter of its market value since the company debuted in May 2011, and Zynga is trading below its offer price.

Among the top issues affecting stock markets are progress toward resolving or containing the European debt crisis and an agreement by the US congress on a bipartisan plan that would reduce the federal deficit by at least $1.3 trillion over the next 10 years. A full 85% of tech bankers surveyed answered that progress on the European debt crisis would increase M&A activity, while 73% said the same about progress on reducing the federal deficit. However, neither of these issues seems likely to be resolved anytime soon. The European sovereign debt crisis appears particularly hairy, after credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s recently downgraded nine major European nations’ credit ratings. Meanwhile, presidential election season in the US is likely to cause most to focus on campaigning rather than the federal deficit. While many weigh their options in voting for the next US president, the stock market may lose its vote of confidence, and deal volume could decline as a result.

IntraLinks limps onto the market http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/intralinks-limps-onto-the-market/ Fri, 06 Aug 2010 20:00:11 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=740 Continue reading IntraLinks limps onto the market ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

It turns out that the third time is not the charm for IntraLinks, at least not in terms of its initial valuation as a public company. IntraLinks cut the price for the 11 million shares it is selling to $13 each, down from the $14-16 range it had set. That means the company is raising $143m, some $22m less than it would have if it priced at the midpoint of its initial range. That’s a key consideration because unprofitable IntraLinks was counting on the IPO proceeds to help it pay down debt.

But at least it did manage to get public, unlike the times it filed back in 2000 and 2005. We recently noted how much more grown up IntraLinks looks now compared to its earlier S-1s. One kicker: when it originally filed in 2000, the company ran at negative gross margins compared to the fairly respectable 65% it notched in 2009. Although IntraLinks still isn’t printing black numbers, it’s come a long way from 2000, when it lost five times more money than it even brought in as revenue.

The weaker-than-expected pricing continues a trend that we’ve seen in most tech offerings so far this year: Motricity, Broadsoft, TeleNav, Convio and others have all priced below their range – and all of them are trading lower in the aftermarket. (The one exception to this weakness is QlikTech. The offering, which we indicated would be a hot one, priced above its range at $10, and is now trading at $15.) For its part, IntraLinks first traded at $13 and basically stuck around that level in its debut.

A rebound, but still short http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/a-rebound-but-still-short/ Tue, 16 Mar 2010 19:50:18 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=460 Continue reading A rebound, but still short ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

Chordiant Software’s $161.5m sale to Pegasystems, which was announced on Monday and is expected to close next quarter, marks the 10th time this year that a company listed on the NYSE or Nasdaq has been set up to be erased from one of the exchanges. Granted, not all of the announced deals will get closed (Upek’s unsolicited bid for publicly traded rival AuthenTec comes to mind), and not all of the bids will play out smoothly (the hedge fund agitation against Novell, for instance), but it does indicate a rebound in activity from this time last year.

With the recession crippling the economy in early 2009, stock prices for many tech companies sank to their lowest level in more than a half-decade. (The Nasdaq bottomed out in early March 2009 at just under 1,300. The index closed Monday at 2,362 – some 80% higher than it was a little over a year ago.) In the first few months of 2009, few companies were in the mood to talk M&A. Buyers were worried about their own outlook, and figured they had enough risk in their own operations without compounding that with a big buy. On the other side of the table, few sellers were willing to part with their businesses at what they considered bargain prices. Consequently, deal flow dried up.

What’s interesting to note is that although the equity market has rebounded so far in 2010, we’re basically seeing the same pace of deals. There were 10 acquisitions of US-listed public companies in the first quarter of 2009 – the same number that we’ve seen so far this year. Yet spending on the deals has surged more than four-fold. Clearly, that’s an indication that buyers are more confident about the outlook for business and are willing to place larger bets on acquisitions. And while that pickup in spending has been welcome, we need to keep in mind that it’s still chump change compared to when the M&A market was more vibrant. Spending on public company deals announced so far this year ($7.5bn) is less than one-quarter the level that it was in both 2008 and 2007.

First-quarter Nasdaq/NYSE M&A activity

Period Deal volume Deal value Select transactions
Q1 2010 10 $7.5bn Elliott Associates-Novell; Pegasystems-Chordiant
Q1 2009 10 $1.8bn Autonomy Corp-Interwoven; Exar-Hifn
Q1 2008 19 $34.3bn Oracle-BEA Systems; BMC-BladeLogic
Q1 2007 21 $33.3bn Oracle-Hyperion; Cisco-WebEx

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase

Market imbalance http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/market-imbalance/ Fri, 14 Nov 2008 20:26:16 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=155 Continue reading Market imbalance ]]> The markets are shrinking. And we’re not just referring to the trillions of dollars of value that have been lost from the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq over the past year. Instead, we’re talking about the actual number of companies on the markets.

Listings rise and fall over the years, as companies go public or get acquired. At least, they do in normal years. But in a year like 2008, with black swans flying across the sky, the number of listings just falls (rather like the prices of the stocks that remain on the exchanges). Already this year, we’ve seen some 62 US publicly traded companies get acquired. On the other side of the ledger, we’ve had fewer than 10 technology IPOs since January. (And don’t look for Metastorm, which filed to go public in mid-May, to debut on the Nasdaq anytime soon. The company pulled its planned offering on Thursday.)

In terms of M&A dollars, as you might guess given the state of the markets, the companies that trade on them have been sharply marked down, as well. While the number of deals has dropped 27%, the value of those deals has plummeted twice that amount (56%). In addition, spending on public company deals has declined even more than the overall tech M&A market, which has sunk about 40% in terms of dollars spent so far this year.

Acquisitions of US public companies

Period Deal volume Deal value
January 1-November 14, 2007 85 $250bn
January 1-November 14, 2008 62 $109bn

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase

Bear market mauls debutants http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/bear-market-mauls-debutants/ Tue, 01 Jul 2008 23:11:39 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=42 Continue reading Bear market mauls debutants ]]> The talking heads at the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange generally define a bear market as a 20% decline from the index’s highs. And, as anyone who picked up a weekend newspaper knows, the markets have officially slumped into bear territory since peaking last fall.

Of course, an index is made up of individual stocks, with some getting more roughed up than others. Oracle has basically traded flat since the Nasdaq meltdown began last October; Microsoft has matched the index’s decline; and VMware has been hammered, plunging nearly three times the Nasdaq decline over the same period. (Another way to look at the meltdown in shares of VMware: At its peak, VMware stock was worth roughly the same amount as a barrel of oil at current prices. Now, you’d have to pony up nearly three shares of VMware to trade for that same barrel of oil.)

With investors not willing to take a chance on shares of existing companies, what chance do the shares of largely unknown and entirely untested IPO candidates have? The short answer is ‘zilch.’ Actually, it’s somewhat of an academic question as there hasn’t been a VC-backed IPO since ArcSight floated on the Nasdaq four months ago. (As we’ve written in the past, we wouldn’t be surprised to see ArcSight get gobbled up, with Hewlett-Packard a logical buyer, in our view.)

With the IPO window closed, corporate acquirers have even more leverage in negotiations. (In other words, don’t expect transactions going off at a double-digit price-to-sales multiple, like IPO candidate EqualLogic got from Dell last November.) We’ve already seen Initiate Systems scrap its proposed offering and go hat-in-hand to a gaggle of investors. Meanwhile, a handful of other S-1s from other companies are gathering dust at the SEC. And we hardly expect any movement during the third quarter. Given the parched IPO market and corporate acquirers in the doldrums, it’s going to be a long, hot summer for a few of these IPO candidates.
