Web 2.0 – Inorganic Growth https://blogs.451research.com/techdeals The 451 Take on Tech M&A Fri, 06 Mar 2020 21:03:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v= Turning down the trade sale http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/investment-banking/turning-down-the-trade-sale/ Tue, 28 Jul 2009 19:47:22 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=318 Continue reading Turning down the trade sale ]]> Contact: Brenon Daly

Since the Wall Street crisis erupted last fall, the M&A advice most companies have gotten has been not to sell unless they absolutely have to. That sentiment has quieted overall dealmaking activity, as well as pressured valuations across the board. It turns out that not even promising startups could escape the malaise. Later this afternoon, Tim Miller, our head of financial markets, will present our findings on the status of the AlwaysOn Global 250 to the seventh annual Summit at Stanford University. One key finding about the AO 250 startups: only 12 companies sold in the year since the previous conference, which is just half the number in each of the three previous years. Tech giants that have picked up AO 250 startups since the last conference include CA Inc, Omniture, Nokia and Hewlett-Packard.

While the number of trade sales declined notably for AO 250 companies, there was a significant pickup in the other exit option, an IPO. Three AO 250 companies managed to make it to the public markets over the past year, creating an aggregate market valuation of some $2.5bn. Those offerings came despite talk about the IPO window being closed. Further, all of them are trading above their issue price even though the broader market has been rather inhospitable lately. The Summit at Stanford opens Tuesday and runs through Thursday afternoon. For more details on the conference, see the event page.

Uptake in travel deals http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/web-20/uptake-in-travel-deals/ http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/web-20/uptake-in-travel-deals/#comments Tue, 23 Sep 2008 21:45:48 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=108 Continue reading Uptake in travel deals ]]> -by Thomas Rasmussen

The past year has seen a surge in online travel deals as well as venture funding of travel startups. In fact, we wonder if the industry hasn’t gotten a little too crowded. A number of startups have received funding, including Uptake, which was founded by ex-Yahoo Travel execs. Uptake brings the social aspect to the online travel world by aggregating user-generated reviews from various portals. It fetched $10m in venture funding from Trinity Ventures and Shasta Ventures last week, bringing its total raised to $14m. The company says the funds are to be used for internal expansion and acquisitions. Indeed, the current competitive landscape has presented startups like Uptake as well as established players like Expedia with one choice: grow or risk becoming irrelevant.

Against this backdrop, online travel companies have taken different approaches to M&A. Relative newcomer Kayak.com is one company that recently took a major step to buy growth. Hoping to go public eventually, the company doubled its size overnight by acquiring competitor SideStep Inc for an estimated $180m in December. Meanwhile, fellow startup Farecast worked on the other side of a transaction, opting for a sale to Microsoft in April for an estimated $115m to help Redmond shore up its ailing MSN Travel division. Meanwhile, the giant of the industry, Expedia, has been ratcheting up the M&A pace. Of the 15 acquisitions it has done, 11 were inked in the last 18 months. In a recent filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Expedia said it spent $180m on five acquisitions in the first two quarters alone.

As for Uptake, we expect the small company to consider a few tuck-in acquisitions of smaller rivals to add more voices to its reviews. Potential targets include companies such as TravelMuse and TripSay, which also offer user reviews. However, while Uptake is eyeing targets, we have a feeling it may be a target itself. We suspect the social aggregation aspect of Uptake is very appealing to larger players that are trying to bring the social Web 2.0 experience to online travel. Likely acquirers include Kayak and Microsoft, which both lack a social rating system. Expedia and Yahoo Travel, an outfit Uptake’s founders know well, might also want the technology to improve on their own systems.

Number of known strategic online travel deals

Period Deal volume
September 2007-2008 14
September 2006-2007 11
September 2005-2006 6
September 2002-2005 19

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase

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Red-zone M&A http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/web-20/red-zone-ma/ Wed, 27 Aug 2008 00:38:25 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=87 Continue reading Red-zone M&A ]]> So-called ‘New Europe’ is emerging as an important Web 2.0 market. Revenue growth is steady in the mid- to high-double digits compared to low-double digits for the established US web portals. That hasn’t gone unnoticed by global companies scrambling to tap into these faster-growing markets. The latest example is the rumored sale of leading Czech Republic search engine and web portal Seznam. Goldman Sachs has reportedly been tapped to head the sale. Google, Microsoft and private equity shop Warburg Pincus are said to all be serious contenders, according to the Czech media.

Seznam is closely held. Founder Ivo Lukacovic owns just over two-thirds of the company, with the rest held by investment firms Tiger Holding Four and Miura International. The 450-employee portal says it took in about $55m last year, up from about $30m the year before. Revenue is expected to reach $80m for the year. Seznam is reportedly being shopped around at a valuation of $900m. At a multiple of 11 times sales, that is a premium compared to a similar deal inked by Warburg Pincus last year. The buyout firm acquired Seznam competitor NetCentrum for $150m at a multiple of 6.5 times revenue. Nonetheless, compared to recent US Web 2.0 deals, the rumored valuation of Seznam is in line with, or at a discount to, market prices.

If a deal for Seznam gets done, the purchase will stand as one of the largest Internet deals ever inked in the former Soviet block. And as the Eastern European Internet market continues to grow, we believe so will the M&A activity from anxious companies trying to make an early land grab. Meanwhile, other search engines may look to go it alone. Yandex, a leading Russian portal, has reportedly been preparing for a US public offering for some time now, but an almost nonexistent IPO market may lead it to consider a sale, instead. We’re fairly certain that Google and Microsoft stand ready to provide the liquidity for either (or both) of these companies if the public markets can not.

Recent transatlantic search M&A

Date Acquirer Target Deal value TTM Revenues
July 18, 2008 Google ZAO Begun (Russia) $140m Not disclosed
May 26, 2008 Google 265.com (China) Not disclosed Not disclosed
January 8, 2008 Microsoft Fast Search & Transfer (Norway) $1.24bn $167.75m
December 4, 2007 Warburg Pincus NetCentrum (Czech Republic) $155m (reported) $24m (reported)

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase

Rise in social networking deals http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/web-20/rise-in-social-networking-deals/ Mon, 18 Aug 2008 23:58:28 +0000 http://blogs.451research.com/techdeals/?p=82 Continue reading Rise in social networking deals ]]> After a trickle of deals in 2007, this year has seen a flood of acquisitions of social networking sites as buyers look to sell advertising and services around these properties. Acquirers have spent some $1.15bn already on networking sites, compared to just $95m in all of 2007. This year’s M&A was boosted by several key service providers making significant bets on the market, including AOL’s $850m purchase of Bebo and Comcast’s acquisition of Plaxo for an estimated $150m. (Both deals, we should note, are larger than last year’s collective tally for social networking sites.)

And it’s not just the obvious acquirers picking up these online sites. Mobile phone maker Nokia shelled out an estimated $30m for geo-social networker Plazes, while Hoover’s, primarily known as a business directory, bought into the Web 2.0 trend with its tiny $4.2m acquisition of Visible Path. Even Barry Diller went shopping in this market, with his IAC/InterActiveCorp’s purchase of Girlsense.com.

Despite the broad interest and appetite for social networking sites, we wonder if supply hasn’t outstripped demand. At last count, there were more than 130 networks of various stripes. With only two companies (Facebook and LinkedIn) likely to go public anytime soon, that leaves a slew of sites hoping to connect with buyers. Coming off a 1,200% increase in M&A from last year, we can only surmise that the number of deals – and, more important, the valuations handed out to the sites – is likely to come down.

Acquisitions of social networking sites

Period Deal volume Deal value
Jan.-Aug. 2008 20 $1.15bn
Jan.-Dec. 2007 9 $95.1m
Jan.-Dec. 2006 2 $5.1m
Jan.-Dec. 2005 1 $580m
Jan.-Dec. 2004 4 $129.8m

Source: The 451 M&A KnowledgeBase
