Did SAP exercise an an opportunistic option for OpTier?

-by Brenon Daly

Despite raising more than $100m in backing, OpTier quietly wound down this summer after a dozen years in business. Even more quietly, some of the assets from the formerly highly valued startup may have been snapped up on the cheap by SAP.

That’s according to several market sources, and an opportunistic purchase would certainly make sense. SAP licensed a fair amount of OpTier to monitor its cloud software internally, so it could have simply brought the technology in-house. Although a deal hasn’t been announced (much less terms for any transaction), we understand SAP paid $10-20m for much of OpTier’s IP.

Assuming our understanding is correct, it would mark a sharp comedown for OpTier. As recently as three years ago, the Israeli startup was reported to be seeking an exit of up to $300m in a process run by Morgan Stanley, which is also an investor in OpTier.

Although OpTier grew quickly through much of the past decade with its business transaction monitoring product, it was slow to step into the more valuable market of code-level application performance monitoring (APM). (See our 2012 report on the ‘pivot’ at OpTier .) For comparison, at least two APM startups founded after OpTier – AppDynamics and New Relic – are both valued in the neighborhood of $1bn and are expected to go public in 2015.

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