One and done for tech M&A in August

Contact: Brenon Daly

For tech M&A in August, there was one big print and then everything else. The blockbuster transaction, which saw Vantiv pay $10.4bn for UK-based rival payments processor WorldPay Group, accounted for almost half of the $22.7bn spent on tech deals around the globe this month, according to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase.

After the massive fintech consolidation, however, the value of transactions declined sharply. No other deal announced in August figures into the M&A KnowledgeBase’s list of the 25 largest transactions announced in the first eight months of 2017.

The slowdown at the top end of the tech M&A market pushed this month’s spending level to the lowest total for the month of August since 2013. More recently, the value of deals in August came in slightly below the average monthly spending so far this year.

Altogether, tech acquirers across the globe have spent just less than $200bn so far this year, according to the M&A KnowledgeBase. At this point in both 2016 and 2015, spending on transactions had already topped $300bn.

With eight months now in the books, 2017 is on pace for the lowest level of M&A spending in four years. The main reason for the slumping deal value is that many of the tech industry’s most-active acquirers have largely moved to the sidelines, especially when it comes to big prints. IBM, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Oracle all went print-less in August.

In contrast, the rivals to those strategic buyers, private equity (PE) firms, continued their shopping spree. PE shops announced 77 deals in August, an average of almost four each business day. That brings the total PE transactions announced this year to 600, a pace that puts 2017 on pace to smash last year’s record number of deals by roughly 30%. (For more on the record-setting activity of buyout shops, be sure to join 451 Research for a webinar next Thursday, September 7, at 1:00pm ET. Registration is available here.)

Private equity does a number on the public markets

Contact: Brenon Daly

Private equity (PE) is doing a number on the public markets. No longer content with siphoning dozens of tech vendors off the exchanges each year, buyout shops are now moving earlier in the IPO process and targeting companies that may only be thinking about someday going public. These rapacious acquirers are not only harvesting the current crop of tech vendors on the NYSE and Nasdaq, but also snapping up the seeds for next season’s planting as well.

Consider the recent activity of the tech industry’s most-active PE shop, Vista Equity Partners. Two months ago – on the same day, as a matter of fact – the firm ended Xactly’s two-year run as a public company and snagged late-stage private company Lithium Technologies, a 16-year-old vendor that had raised some $200m in venture backing. (Subscribers to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase can see our estimates of terms on the Vista Equity-Lithium deal here.) And just yesterday, Vista Equity once again went startup shopping, picking up software-testing firm Applause.

To be clear, neither Lithium nor Applause would have been considered dual-track deals. Both startups undoubtedly needed time to get themselves ready for any eventual IPO. And while it might seem like a PE portfolio provides a logical holding pen for IPO candidates, buyout shops don’t really look to the public markets for exits. As far as we can tell, Vista Equity hasn’t ever taken one of its tech vendors public. The same is true for Thoma Bravo. Instead, the exit of choice is to sell portfolio companies to other PE firms or, to a lesser degree, a strategic acquirer. (Buyout shops prefer all-cash transactions rather than the illiquid shares that come with an IPO so they can speed ahead raising their next fund.)

The PE firms’ expansive M&A strategies – directed, effectively, at both ends of the tech lifecycle on Wall Street – aren’t going to depopulate the public markets overnight. However, those reductions aren’t likely to be offset by an increase in listings through an uptick in IPOs anytime soon. That means tech investing is likely to get even more homogenized. It’s already challenging to get outperformance on Wall Street, where passive, index-driven investing dominates. With buyout shops further shrinking the list of tech investments, it’s going to be even harder for money managers to stand out. With their latest surge in activity, PE firms have made alpha more elusive on Wall Street.

To see how buyout shops are reshaping other aspects of the tech industry and the long-term implications of this trend, be sure to read 451 Research’s special two-part report on the stunning rise of PE firms. (For 451 Research subscribers, Part 1 is available here and Part 2 is available here.) Additionally, a special 451 Research webinar on the activity and outlook for buyout shops in tech M&A is open to everyone. Registration for the event on Thursday, September 7 at 1:00pm EST can be found here.

Meet the new buyer of your tech company

Contact: Brenon Daly

For all the dramatic impact that private equity (PE) firms have had in snapping up huge chunks of the tech landscape, most of Silicon Valley actually knows very little about these buyout shops. (Not for nothing is the industry called private equity.) The little that is known about them probably dates back to Barbarians at the Gate, when the firms mostly operated with a strip-and-flip strategy. That’s not really the approach these new power brokers are bringing to their current tech investments.

In the rebooted strategy for hardware and software vendors, many of the buyout shops have swung their focus from costs to growth. Sure, PE firms still prize cash flow, but in many cases they will be looking as closely at the trend line for MRR as they do EBITDA generation. It’s an approach that has helped fuel five straight years of increasing tech deals by buyout shops, rising to the point now where financial acquirers are putting up more prints than the longtime leaders of the tech M&A market, strategic buyers.

Between direct acquisitions and deals done by portfolio companies, PE firms are on pace to purchase roughly 900 tech companies in 2017, which would work out to roughly one of every four tech transactions announced this year. That’s about twice the share of the tech M&A market that buyout shops have held even as recently as two years ago. More than any other buying group, PE firms are setting the tone in the market right now.

For a closer look at the stunning rise of PE buyers in the tech market, 451 Research is publishing a special two-part report on the trend, ‘Preeminent PE: The New Masters of the Tech Universe.’ The first part of the report takes a look at how financial acquirers sprinted ahead of strategic buyers, and how the current PE boom is different from the previous PE boom before the credit crisis. The second part turns to the strategy and valuations of tech deals done by buyout shops.

Although both of these reports will only be available to 451 Research subscribers, everyone is invited to join 451 Research for a webinar on the activity and outlook for PE firms in tech M&A on Thursday, September 7 at 1:00pm EST. Registration can be found here.

An unhappy anniversary for buyout shops

Contact: Brenon Daly

A decade ago, the financial world started its most recent journey toward ruin. Although the total collapse wouldn’t come for another year, the first tremors of the global financial crisis were felt in August 2007. At the time, few observers could have imagined that a bunch of bad bets made on shady mortgages could reduce some of the world’s biggest banks to heaps of rubble.

For some financial institutions, the destruction was self-inflicted. But others were simply collateral damage, counterparties to risky trades that they may not have fully understood but took on nonetheless. Whatever the cause, the result, which was just starting to be realized 10 years ago, was that everyone was in over their head.

As banks went into survival mode, the financial system dried up. Lenders, already worried about the bad debt on their books, stopped extending loans. It became a credit crisis, with whole chunks of the economy grinding to a halt. There was also a dramatic – if underappreciated – impact on the tech M&A market: the crisis effectively ended the first buyout boom.

Private equity (PE) firms were just hitting their stride when the crisis took away the currency that made their deals work: debt. Don’t forget that just months before August 2007, PE shops had announced mega-deals for First Data ($29bn) and Alltel ($27.5bn). Both of those acquisitions were $10bn bigger than any tech transaction ever announced by a financial acquirer up to that point.

Those deals turned out to be the high-water marks for PE at the time, with the water receding unexpectedly quickly. Of the 10 largest PE transactions listed in 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase for 2007, only one of them came after August. More broadly, the last four crisis-shadowed months of 2007 accounted for just $7bn of the then-record $106bn in PE spending that year.

The late-2007 collapse in sponsor spending continued through 2008-09, as the recession broadened and deepened. The value of PE deals in both of those years dropped more than 80% compared with 2007, according to the M&A KnowledgeBase. The PE industry’s recovery from the credit crisis would take a long time, much longer than the relatively quick bounce-back in the equity markets, for instance. Overall spending by buyout firms wouldn’t hit 2007 levels again until 2015.

For more on the impact of PE activity in the tech market, be sure to join 451 Research for a special webinar on Thursday, September 7 at 1:00pm ET. Registration is free and available by clicking here.

In tech M&A, PE takes prominence

Contact: Brenon Daly

For the first time in tech M&A, financial acquirers are doing more deals than publicly traded strategic buyers. That’s a sharp reversal from years past, when private equity (PE) firms represented only bit players in the market, operating well outside the focus areas of US-listed acquirers. Even as recently as three years ago, US publicly traded companies were announcing more than twice as many transactions as PE shops.

So far in 2017, financial buyers (both through stand-alone purchases and deals done by their portfolio companies) have announced 511 tech transactions, slightly ahead of the 506 deals announced by tech vendors on the Nasdaq and NYSE, according to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase. Even more telling is the current trajectory of the two groups. PE firms, which have increased the number of acquisitions every single year for the past half-decade, are on pace to smash the full-year record of 680 PE transactions announced last year. Meanwhile, US-listed acquirers are almost certain to see a second consecutive decline in M&A activity, with the full-year 2017 number tracking to almost 20% below the totals of 2014 and 2015.

The dramatic shift in the tech industry’s buyers of record has been brought about by changes in both acquiring groups. PE shops have never held more capital than they currently hold, which means they need to find markets where they can put that to work. (The tech industry, which is aging but still growing, offers bountiful shopping opportunities.) Cash-rich buyout firms, which are built to transact, have simply taken the playbook they have used on their shopping trips through other markets such as manufacturing and retail, among others, and applied it to the technology industry.

In contrast to the ever-increasing number of PE shops and their ever-increasing buying power, the number of tech companies on the Nasdaq and NYSE has been dropping for years. (Indeed, the overall number of US traded companies has been declining for years, with some estimates putting the current count of listings at just half the number it was 20 years ago.) For instance, some 38 tech vendors have already been erased from the two US stock exchanges so far in 2017, according to the M&A KnowledgeBase.

Yet even those companies that still trade on the exchanges aren’t doing deals at the same rate they once did. In years past, some of the big-cap buyers — the ones that used to set the tone in the tech M&A market — would announce a deal every month or so. Now, public companies have slowed their pace, and PE firms have simply sprinted around them in the market.

Consider this tally, drawn from the M&A KnowledgeBase, of activity last month by the two respective groups. On the lengthy list of tech giants that didn’t put up a single print at all in July: Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Salesforce and SAP. Meanwhile, financial acquirers went on a shopping spree. H.I.G. Capital, Francisco Partners, Clearlake Capital and Thoma Bravo (among other PE shops) all inked at least two prints last month.

PE shops make the market for tech M&A in July

Contact: Brenon Daly

Spending on tech deals in July hit its second-highest monthly total so far this year, driven by the widespread dealmaking of private equity (PE) firms. Buyout shops figured into eight of last month’s 10 largest acquisitions, either as a seller or a buyer. The big-dollar prints by financial acquirers in July continue the recent surge of unprecedented activity by PE firms, which have largely displaced corporate buyers as the ‘market makers’ for tech M&A.

Overall, the value of tech transactions announced around the globe in July hit $28.9bn, roughly one-quarter more than the average month in the first half of the year, according to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase. Our research shows that PE firms accounted for some 40 cents of every dollar spent on tech deals last month — two to three times higher than the market share financial buyers held in recent years. Further, unlike the previous PE boom in the middle of the past decade that was dominated by single blockbuster transactions, the current record activity is coming from virtually all deal types.

Just in July, we saw financial acquirers announce transactions ranging from multibillion-dollar take-privates (the KKR-backed purchase of WebMD) to ‘synergy-based’ midmarket consolidation (Francisco Partners’ Procera Networks won a bidding war with another buyout shop to land Sandvine) to early-stage technology tuck-ins (Vista Equity Partners’ TIBCO scooping up one-year-old Overall, according to the M&A KnowledgeBase, PE firms announced a staggering 77 deals last month. That brought the year-to-date total to 511 PE transactions in the first seven months of 2017 — setting this year on pace to smash the full-year record of 680 PE deals recorded last year.

More broadly, last month featured a fair amount of old-line M&A, whether it was buyout firms trading companies among themselves (Syncsort) or mature tech industries consolidating (Mitel Networks reaching for ShoreTel or serial acquirer OpenText picking up Guidance Software, for instance). Those drivers put pressure on valuations paid at the top end of the market last month. According to the M&A KnowledgeBase, acquirers in July’s 15 largest deals paid just 2.4x trailing sales. Not one of last month’s 15 blockbusters got a double-digit valuation, although subscription-based ERP software startup Intacct came very close. For comparison, fully five of the 15 largest transactions in the first six months of 2017 went off at double-digit valuations.

Private equity gets bigger wrench for bolt-on deals

Contact: Scott Denne

As buyout shops expand their role in tech M&A, a growing share of private equity spending is coming from bolt-on acquisitions by portfolio companies rather than stand-alone purchases. The sales of Sandvine and Rocket Fuel – both announced this week – show that PE firms are more willing to make sizeable additions to their portfolio companies.

Bolt-on deals have long been part of the private equity playbook. Every year since 2009, acquisitions by portfolio companies (often funded by their PE owners) have accounted for half of PE tech deal flow. This year, PE firms have kept that pace and bolstered the ratio of spending on such transactions. According to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase, PE-backed companies spent $12.5bn on purchases so far this year – that’s more than one-quarter of PE spending, a mark they’ve never previously hit.

In the acquisition of Sandvine, a previous bid by Vector Capital was bested by a $441m offer from Francisco Partners on Monday to combine the company with Procera Networks, a Sandvine competitor. Francisco paid just $240m to buy Procera in 2015. Today’s pickup of Rocket Fuel by Vector’s Sizmek has a similar dynamic. Vector proposes to pay $23m more for Rocket Fuel than the $122m it spent on Sizmek. (In yet another potential similarity between these deals, Wall Street is betting that Vector’s offer will again be beaten as Rocket Fuel trades at $0.10 per share above the bid.)

It’s tempting to think that higher spending and the benefit of potential cost synergies would lead PE shops to pay higher multiples. That hasn’t been the case. Francisco values Sandvine at 3.7x trailing revenue compared with 1.8x in its acquisition of Procera, but in the case of Rocket Fuel, Vector will pay just 0.3x, less than the 0.5x it spent on Sizmek. Overall, the median multiple on purchases by PE portfolio companies sits at 2.2x in the past 24 months, compared with 2.6x for stand-alone PE acquisitions.

For more real-time information on tech M&A, follow us on Twitter @451TechMnA.

What’s missing in the tech M&A market?

Contact: Brenon Daly

When big acquirers step out of a market, they can leave behind a big hole. In the case of the current tech M&A market, it’s a multibillion-dollar hole. We noted in our full report on the just-closed second quarter that the value of tech and telecom acquisitions dropped 30% from Q1 to Q2, hitting a four-year low for quarterly spending of just $55bn in the April-June period, according to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase. The main reason for the recent slump in spending is the disappearance of many of the tech industry’s biggest buyers.

At the start of this year, many well-known acquirers — the ones that often serve as bellwethers for the tech industry — were actively inking significant deals. Intel, Cisco and Hewlett Packard Enterprise all announced acquisitions valued at more than $1bn in Q1. Since then, however, most of the busiest tech giants have shifted their M&A machines into neutral. In their place, two groups of buyers have emerged: old-line telcos and private equity (PE) firms.

Yet these newly assertive acquirers haven’t come close to closing the gap, in terms of M&A spending, left by the missing corporate shoppers. (That’s not for lack of effort among the financial buyers. PE firms announced a record level of tech transactions in Q2, eclipsing the number of deals done by US-listed corporate acquirers for the first time in history, according to the M&A KnowledgeBase. Our Q2 report has more details on activity and forecasts for the buyout shops.)

As one indication of what went missing when big-name corporate acquirers took an early summer hiatus from big-dollar deals, consider this: Only one of the five largest transactions announced in the first half of 2017 printed in Q2. That shift in strategy and spending by corporate buyers dramatically crimped deal flow at the top end of the tech M&A market. According to the M&A KnowledgeBase, the average value of the 20 largest tech transactions announced in the first three months of 2017 stood at $2.9bn. That’s 70% higher than the average of $1.7bn for the 20 largest deals announced in the just-completed Q2.

Ivanti keeps rolling along, adds RES Software

Contact: John Abbott, Brenon Daly

The rollup continues at Ivanti, the PE-backed company that itself is a bit of a rollup, created from the combination of LANDESK and HEAT Software in January. In its second acquisition under its new name, the Clearlake Capital portfolio company reached for user workspace management and IT automation firm RES Software. Although terms weren’t disclosed, subscribers to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase can see our deal record and proprietary estimate of the price and valuation in this transaction.

For years, RES fought it out in the virtual desktop management space with direct rival AppSense, while LANDESK, once part of Intel, tried to hold its ground in traditional desktop management. In 2010, Thoma Bravo stepped in to buy LANDESK from its then-owner Emerson Electric for $230m, supplementing it with a handful of smaller firms and topping it off with AppSense in March 2016. (While larger than RES, AppSense garnered basically the same multiple as RES in its sale to LANDESK. 451 Research M&A KnowledgeBase also has estimates for the AppSense sale.)

In January, Clearlake stepped in to buy LANDESK, a transaction that we understand valued the company at $1.15bn. The PE firm combined it with its own portfolio company, HEAT Software — itself a combination of FrontRange and Lumension — and eventually gave the cobbled-together infrastructure software giant its new name, Ivanti.

The rechristened company offers products in four main areas: client management, endpoint security, IT service and support software, and enterprise mobility management. Overall, it employs roughly 1,300. RES, with roughly 250 employees, adds complementary software tools. The startup is strongest in user workspace management and automation tools, but also has an enterprise app store, file sharing and synchronization, IT service management desk, and (most recently) endpoint security. RES also brings more of a European focus – the company was founded in Holland in 1999 and maintains a fairly strong business in the Benelux region.

From a technical point of view, it’s likely RES Automation Manager will be the most valuable asset that can be cross-sold to the rest of the Ivanti customer base. Virtual desktop management is a maturing space that’s now mostly dominated by Citrix, VMware, Microsoft, AWS and Google, alongside a growing set of desktop-as-a-service providers using technology from one or more of those companies. This broad competitive pressure weighed heavily on RES’s valuation, as surely as it did in the sale of rival AppSense a little more than a year ago.

Sizzle turns to fizzle in tech M&A, as Q2 spending slumps

Contact: Brenon Daly

After two consecutive years of surging tech M&A, we now have two consecutive quarters of slumping tech M&A. This year opened with Q1 spending on tech deals totaling only slightly more than half the average quarterly level of the recent two-year record run. Spending in Q2 dropped even further, leaving the value of tech deals announced around the globe for the April-June period at its lowest quarterly level in four years, according to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase.

Altogether, acquirers announced $56bn worth of global tech and telco transactions in Q2, according to 451 Research’s M&A KnowledgeBase. That represents a decline of 29% from the $79bn in Q1 2017, with all three of the past months suffering through a pronounced summer slowdown. (Our M&A KnowledgeBase shows every single month of Q2 came in below the average monthly spending in Q1.)

One of the main reasons for the drop from Q1 to Q2 is the recent disappearance of the big enterprise vendors doing big deals. In the first three months of the year, Intel, Cisco Systems and Hewlett Packard Enterprise all announced acquisitions valued at more than $1bn. However, since then, tech bellwethers have been replaced primarily by telco operators and private equity firms. (PE shops merit their own mention, as they printed more tech deals in Q2 than any quarter in history. However, in keeping with the current trend in the overall tech M&A market, their acquisitions were smaller than they have been. For instance, the number of PE-led deals with an equity value of more than $1bn dropped from nine in Q2 2016 to just five in Q2 2017.)

At the midpoint of 2017, this year is tracking to roughly $280bn worth of tech transactions. That would represent the lowest annual total in four years, and a dramatic slowdown from the roughly $500bn spent in 2016 and $600bn in 2015. We will have a full report on Q2 tech M&A activity for 451 Research subscribers next week, after an extended holiday weekend.