by Brenon Daly
Every year since the middle of the previous decade, 451 Research has surveyed senior tech investment bankers for their thoughts on M&A in the year ahead. The forecasts have proven remarkably prescient, with advisers accurately calling a record rebound in activity in 2018 and a notable downtick in valuations in 2019. And now, we want to see if that 20/20 vision extends to 2020.
In addition to asking how full their pipelines are, we also ask bankers what is filling them up. In terms of specific markets, is it deals in application software, Internet or other specific markets that has bankers dreading 80-hour workweeks in the coming year? Or is it cross-sector trends such as cloud or IoT that will be keeping them busy? (Bankers have certainly been onto something recently with their pick of the bustling machine learning market.)
Whatever the case and whatever the pace, 451 Research wants to hear from managing directors and partner-level advisers about the coming year. We ask senior tech investment bankers to give us five minutes of their time for their outlook on tech M&A. In return, we’ll send along full survey results as well as anonymized commentary from fellow bankers about what they’re seeing in the market. (Collectively, survey respondents touch several hundred tech transactions each year across the entire IT landscape, so our survey offers a comprehensive view.)
To participate in 451 Research’s 15th Annual Technology Investment Banking Survey, simply click here.