E-discovery discovery

We’ve been covering the e-discovery big guns and usual suspects here at The 451 Group in one way or another for about five years now. But we’re looking to get more systematic about it in part in preparation for a long-form market overview of this sector to come this fall. There are certainly no shortage of vendors targeting this market, as anyone attending the LegalTech conference this year would tell you.

We currently have several analysts looking at this market from different angles: Nick and Katey cover the search and text analytics vendors, Simon and Henry keep track of storage and archiving, and Kathleen looks after records management and content management aspects.

But with this approach, we wonder who we’re missing. Where are the up-and-comers? Are there any start-ups or new emerging companies you’ve had your eye on? Let us know in the comments or via email so we can make sure our e-discovery coverage is more comprehensive.


1 comment so far ↓

#1 Rob Robinson on 07.24.08 at 6:06 pm

Excellent that you are looking at covering the EDD arena. One area that would be intrigueing to market watchers – both vendors and end users alike – might be breaking down products/solutions into “generations” and also highlighting products/solutions that are integrated vs. not-integrated (technical integration – not just “marketing integration”. While not totally objective (as I work with a technology service vendor) – I do think looking at EDD offerings thru the disciplined lens that software and hardware products and services are looked at vs. statistically non-significant surveys would be a great service that the 451 Group could provide.

Great Luck/Rob