Webinar: top 5 NoSQL gotchas

I’m taking part in a GigaOM Pro Webinar panel on April 4 entitled “Top 5 gotchas that prevent NoSQL from meeting business goals”.

Sponsored by DataStax, the panel also includes Billy Bosworth, DataStax CEO; Jo Maitland, Research Director, Cloud, GigaOM Pro; and is moderated by Paul Miller, Cloud Curator, GigaOM Pro.

Among the topics up for debate:

  • Will IT organizations get bogged down in NoSQL infrastructure battles instead of focusing on big data apps that satisfy the needs of the business?
  • What are the advantages and potential challenges to migrating towards a single data store?
  • Does simplifying the infrastructure mean that you now have to deal with poor performance due to conflicting workloads?
  • What lessons can we learn from history as we bring on NoSQL systems?
  • What unspoken business requirements can we anticipate to prevent being caught off guard?

The event takes place at Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 10 AM, PST. Register here
