The geographic distribution of NoSQL skills: CouchDB and Neo4j

Following last week’s post putting the geographic distribution of Hadoop skills, based on a search of LinkedIn members, in context, this week we will be publishing a series of posts looking in detail at the various NoSQL projects.

The posts examine the geographic spread of LinkedIn members citing a specific NoSQL database in their member profiles, as of December 1, and provides an interesting illustration of the state of adoption for each.

We’ve already taken a look at Membase and HBase; Apache Cassandra and Riak; and 10gen’s MongoDB and Redis.

Part four brings the series to a close with a look at Apache CouchDB and Neo4j, which boast the most geographically diverse adoption of the NoSQL databases in our sample.

The statistics showed that 36.4% of the 1,844 LinkedIn members with “CouchDB” in their member profiles are based in the US, while only 8.9% are in the Bay area, the least of any of the NoSQL database we looked at.

The results also indicate that the UK is a particularly strong area for CouchDB skills, with 7.1%. Other hot-spots include Canada (4.1%), Germany (4.0%) and The Netherlands (3.1%).

Neo4j is even more widely adopted, with only 36.2% of the 268 LinkedIn members with “Neo4j” in their member profiles based in the US, although 10.4% are in the Bay area.

With 4.1%, Sweden is a hot-spot for Neo4j skills, as one might expect given that’s where it and Neo Technology originated. The UK is also strong with 9.7%, followed by India with 5.6% and the New York area with 4.9%.

Since Neo4j originated in Europe it is of course an open question whether its higher adoption in the Rest of the World than the US is a sign of a greater spread of adoption, or a relative failure to infiltrate the US market. Given that the company already has an active presence in the US we are inclined towards the former.

N.B. The size of the boxes is in proportion to the search result (click each image for a larger version). World map image: Owen Blacker

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Henrik Ingo on 12.09.11 at 6:41 am

Well, Neo4j moved to have a Bay area presence some time ago, so maybe you’re just seeing a shift where US adoption is picking up, but still relatively lower compared to others.

Great use of data analytics btw!

A correlation I’ve always been interested in: real adoption vs perceived adoption. I often get the feeling whatever has high adoption in Bay area will get a lot of exposure compared to – say – a European competitor that globally has more adoption in absolute terms. Symbian vs Blackberry (a few years back, now the question is obsolete) or Gnome vs KDE or Twitter vs Jaiku. Kind of like Betamax and VHS, in an early stage the hype you have in Bay area may be a bigger asset than technical superiority. Your data set could probably shed some light on this question.