Belden plugs into Tripwire

Contact: Brenon Daly

Belden’s acquisition of Tripwire marks not only the company’s largest purchase, but also the richest valuation it has ever paid. Belden is handing over $710m in cash for the security management vendor. That values Tripwire at nearly 5x sales, which is more than twice the multiple Belden has paid in its past half-dozen deals. (For its part, Belden trades at less than 2x sales, despite its shares hitting an all-time high upon the deal announcement.)

A company known primarily for cables and wiring, Belden has inked seven purchases over the past four years as part of a broader effort to get into new markets. Not all of those moves have worked. (For instance, it divested a wireless LAN startup after more than two years on the books. Despite the irony of a wiring provider buying a wireless vendor, Belden actually sold Trapeze Networks for more than it originally paid for it.) Nonetheless, growth in new markets is one of the main reasons why Belden shares have more than tripled since the end of the recession, roughly three times the gain in the broader US indexes.

Still, the pickup of Tripwire is a not-insignificant gamble. Strategically, Belden imagines extending Tripwire’s security, which is currently focused entirely on enterprises, to industrial settings. And financially, Belden is essentially clearing out its coffers to cover the transaction. (It is drawing down approximately $200m on an existing line of credit to help pay for Tripwire.)

And, as noted, Belden is paying up for Tripwire. Terms value the Portland, Oregon-based target at 4.9x sales. For context, Tripwire sold to its current owner – private equity shop Thoma Bravo – for about $225m, or 2.2x sales, in mid-2011, according to our understanding. So one way to look at the three-year period Tripwire was owned by Thoma Bravo is that while revenue didn’t quite double, the company’s price more than tripled.

The primary reason why Thoma Bravo is getting an above-market valuation on its exit is the operational efficiencies that it helped bring into Tripwire. The company is projected to grow in the high teens, which is twice the rate it was growing before being acquired by the PE shop. Maybe more importantly, Tripwire more than tripled its EBITDA margin, to above 30% currently, while also accelerating its growth.

Look for a more detailed report on Belden’s acquisition of Tripwire in tomorrow’s 451 Market Insight.

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