The coupon company behind the buyout curtain

Contact: Ben Kolada

While coupons can save shoppers some money, Web-based coupon companies can sometimes cost private equity (PE) firms a lot of money. According to our sources, a large PE shop picked up an online coupon company around the beginning of this year in a deal that valued the low-profile company at more than $100m.

No announcement was made and certainly no terms were disclosed. However, we’ve uncovered all of that information.

To our subscribers, which company do you think this was? We’ll give you a few more hints: the company hadn’t taken any funding and the deal record includes some estimated information. We also have an estimate for the price paid, though we’re holding that for now.

Bragging rights go to the user who names the company and unofficial ‘industry insider’ status goes to the user who both names the company and the price. Tweet your guesses to us  @451TechMnA